Rain! We've had alot of that here in northern CA. Sometimes we want it to go away and bring the sun. We get bored, we're stuck inside. I wouldn't want to do without it though. Rain gives life to all kinds of things. Rain cleanses the earth and washes away impurities. Rain is nourishment. Rain is inspiring! I know your saying to yourself -how is rain so inspiring? Well for me it's the smell of clean air as the rain swept through and left it's mark. The color of the grass turning green in the winter. (yes it's brown the rest of the yr. here) The wet dew on plants and leaves. Yes I'm inspired and thankful for it! I hope you enjoy all the pictures with rain. Thanks Lisa over at Destination Seaborn for hosting this wonderful Aspire to Inspire day! I hope you had something that inspired you today......
How to Seal And Preserve Authentic Chippy Paint On A Wood Bench
[image: seal chippy paint on a wood bench]Love old finishes and wish to
save them safely? Learn how to properly seal chippy paint on a wood bench
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11 hours ago